No, it's not a general description of the sand and surf, Sandy Beach is a pretty well-known beach on Oahu's South Shore. We spent the afternoon there a few weeks ago, and even brought along the boogie board. We didn't use it, however, because it's one of most dangerous beaches on the island, due to the shore breaking very close to the edge. The rip currents are so strong, that they basically sweep you up and then dump you (often head first) into the sand. I didn't care to have sand in my brain, but Javi gave it a go. Little S stayed close to me and played in the little pools of water that collect between the rocks.
I loved Sandy Beach. It was one of the first beaches my Uncle took us to. We body surfed but it must have been a good day for it because we didnt notice the rip current. We knew it was known for it though. Oh, Hawaii, how I miss thee! We always go back every May but alas, not this year unless a space-a opens up. :( Its really throwing me off, because my body is saying its beach time!