Sunday, October 16, 2011

Solely for Pinterest.

Don't mind me.  I recently found some ripped pages from the Pottery Barn catalog sitting in a "to file" pile, and because I don't want to keep clutter around, I want them on my Pinterest boards.  But since I can't find a way to pin from the online catalogs, I just have to scan the images and pin them from this post. 


Monday, October 3, 2011

Waterfront at Puuloa.

This is the view from what used to be old military housing, which has since been bought out by a management company, renamed, and opened for residency to the general public.  The houses are all really old, but you can't beat this view.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Waimea Valley.

Waimea Valley, known also as a the "Valley of the Priests" is the kind of place you think of when you think of Hawai'i.  Lush, green, with waterfalls.  Well, there's only one waterfall.  But it's very picturesque, and you can swim in the pool at the foot of the falls (although you are advised not to swallow the water.) 

It's also a place to learn about Hawaiian culture and admire more than 15,000 kinds of tropical plants. Although the native Hawaiian actors seemed to be on break when we were there, I did manage to capture some (read: very little) of the Valley's breathtaking natural beauty.  But seriously, where were the half-naked buff Hawaiian men?!


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Photos of coastline.

Pretty clever title, huh? I'm really awful at coming up with post titles - maybe there's a secret I don't know.  But no matter, here are a few pictures of the coasts of Oahu that I've captured lately.  

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Eat This.

If you're in Oahu, and you can only eat one thing , this is it: 

That stuff on top is called Magic Green Sauce.  It magically makes the calories disappear.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Independence Day Weekend

This weekend, my husband deployed to Afghanistan.

He'll be back soon, but in the meantime, this will be the space where I keep my photo-journal for him. 

Aloha for now, my love!

About Me

My photo
I'm a wife and mama. I used to have a corporate job. I appreciate good food, a good read, and a nice bath. I currently call Hawaii "home," but I've lived in lots of other places. This blog is about things I like and notice. Kinda random, like me!
